22 March 2019
The biggest housing regeneration project in a generation is how the new Better Queensway scheme is being described.
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council recently announced Swan Housing Association as their preferred bidder, following a detailed and thorough procurement process which began in March 2018.
Swan’s example scheme developed for the purposes of the procurement process, includes approximately 1,600 new homes, of which over 500 will be affordable. The example scheme also maintains four lanes of traffic on Queensway, new green spaces and improved walking and cycling permeability and space to play. It also incorporates a community fund, improvements to energy and sustainability, and the whole area being designed using secured-by-design principles.
The contract will be awarded in spring and a full masterplan prepared for the site. Following further consultation with residents, business and other key stakeholders on the plans, submission for planning approval is expected in 2020.
Councillor James Courtenay, cabinet member for growth, said: “Better Queensway is the biggest regeneration project we are undertaking in a generation and will seek to transform this vital area right in the centre of our town.”
John Synnuck, CEO of Swan Housing Association commented: “I’d like to say to all the residents and local stakeholders at Queensway, that we are looking forward to working with you to develop a masterplan for Queensway which will make it a great place to live and work and a place where everyone in Southend wants to go.”
For the latest information on Better Queensway please visit: