02 November 2021
Elizabeth Austerberry, Moat’s Chief Executive of nine years, has announced her decision to retire next year. Elizabeth, who joined Moat at the beginning of 2013, will step down from her role next summer.
Elizabeth commented “I came into housing later in my career, having previously worked principally in property and finance. I feel privileged to work for a housing association and am proud of what we have achieved and continue to achieve together. Moat is well positioned for the future, with a strong financial position, proven resilience, a great team with ambitious plans. It’s a great opportunity for a new Chief Executive to take Moat on the next stage of its journey.
Steve White, Moat’s Chair, said “Elizabeth continues to do a fantastic job leading the organisation and we will miss her when she leaves. We will be working with Elizabeth to make sure that we find the right candidate for Moat and to ensure a smooth transition. Moat will be continuing to use its financial strength to continue investing in both new and existing homes as well as services, ensuring that as many people as possible benefit from an affordable home.”