The Essex Housing Officers Group works jointly with the Districts, Cities and Borough Councils acting as a consultation forum for both National and Regional agendas where the issue impacts on housing. In so doing, it provides a framework for shared and collaborative working between members and external partners. EHOG members include the local housing authorities (District, Cities & Boroughs) Essex County Council, Housing Associations along with representatives for Developers, Homes England and other bodies. The Group provides a forum for sharing contacts and discussing good practice between its members in Essex.
Through its membership, EHOG will commission and agree on county wide initiatives such as move-on strategies and housing protocols to ensure a consistent approach across local authorities and other housing providers.
The latest Terms of Reference for the Group can be found here.
A resume of national trends, local house prices, affordability and market indicators.
Managing assets effectively is crucial to the operations of local authorities, registered providers and private landlords in meeting their strategic goals particularly in relation increasing value and maintaining stock.
Our Climate Action Charter includes an action plan to support partners develop their own actions to address climate change and prepare for zero carbon.
Working with the Essex Employment and Skills Board to continue to invest in the local skills pipeline and training provision.
Having a robust evidence base is key to securing a sound local plan and for making a convincing case for funding to support essential infrastructure.
A range of funding opportunities exist for EDG and SEHG partners from the Government to support housing growth and related services.
Together, local authorities, developers and infrastructure providers are vital to the delivery of quality, sustainable development: this Protocol is our shared commitment.
Collaborating to improve the quality of housing development in Essex through establishment of a pan-Essex innovation and quality project.
Partnership's ongoing response to housing recovery during the Covid-19 pandemic and some key interventions.
The South Essex Housing Group set up an Allocations Sub Group to develop a Sub-Regional Nomination Agreement Best Practice Guide.
The population of Essex is ageing. What is needed is a wide range of housing types across all tenures, including accessible and adaptable general needs retirement housing.
Preventing homelessness remains a key priority both nationally and across Essex.
Key evidence was submitted by South Essex Housing Group to the New Rugg Review covering the state of the local private rented sector, associated problems / obstacles and solutions that have or are being considered to resolve them.
Partners are working together on agreeing the overall housing requirement forming part of a wider evidence base to support Local Plans and investment in infrastructure. The potential for new garden settlements are also being explored across Essex.
Essex is made up of 15 Local Planning Authorities including City, District, Borough, Unitary and County Councils. The following links will take you to each local authorities planning page for the latest local plan update: