Community led housing (CLH) is an umbrella term for housing that is owned or managed by the community on a not for profit basis. The term encompasses community land trusts, Co-operative Housing Societies and Cohousing models.
These models are set up by ordinary people who have an ambition to meet the housing needs of their community. At the heart of these models are the principles of affordability, sustainability and democracy.
Community led housing have two main benefits.
1. They can deliver housing that is in keeping with household budgets both for rent or home ownership. Through the use of innovative financial models and covenants, housing costs can be protected for future residents in perpetuity.
2. Cooperative and Community Land Trusts can prevent homes being sold on the open market and are ‘Right to Buy’ exempt.
Several case studies are provided based on the models below from across England, although all these models are represented internationally.
Further details of how these models can provide homes that are affordable can be found by clicking the embedded links in the logos below.
Community Land Trust Network
Confederation of Co-operative Housing
Cohousing Network
Community Land Trusts
Cooperative housing Societies