Housing association to build 74 affordable homes on derelict site in Braintree

30 August 2019

Essex housing association CHP has started work to transform a derelict brownfield site in the centre of Braintree into 74 new high-quality affordable homes.

The East Street development is CHP’s largest land-led scheme to date. The homes due for completion in summer 2021 will include a mixture of one, two and three bedroom flats and houses for affordable rent and shared ownership.

CHP Growth and Partnership Director Carl Hockey said: “Securing the land and planning consent to provide 74 new homes for the local area is fantastic and highlights CHP’s continued commitment to providing homes for people that they can afford, in places where they want to live and call home. This scheme is part of our ongoing commitment to help tackle the housing crisis in Essex by building 365 new homes a year or a new home a day.”

The housing association is working with Rose Builders and architects Ingelton Wood on the East Street development and the project is partly funded by grant from Homes England.